
Monday, 21 March 2022

Random thoughts...yea or nay..

World Governance has been tried to  be implemented before world War 1; and before World war 2. They used the Russian people, then they used the Germans twice, they were not successful. 
When people had their heydays, Globalization was implemented, which is half way to World governance. Globalization means  back to slavery as Plutarchy reigns. 
After world war 2 they worked to get USA into their pockets, which they have achieved easily. They just had  to utter the words holocaust, anti-Semitism, socialism or communism and the poorest dummy was shaking in his boots and wanted to be part of this great democracy where everybody was equal. Everybody was busy enjoying  all  materialism could provide, nobody asked where are we going, making money was Number one.  Suddenly the hammer came down, Globalisation  hijacked and destroyed  workplaces in the USA, Europe and Australia. Plutarchy does not look after  the people of any country they always go for the cheapest workforce. They are not interested in the welfare of the people. They are interested only in might and money. Yesterday,  I looked at a simple packet of biscuits, it said Made in China. They have changed fundamental laws, without a peep from the population. Fighting against terror keeps the people chained, it was such a fantastic idea, it also made and still makes a mint for some! 
Destroy the middle east, Africa, put puppets into Governments like in Europe and USA.  What else is cooking in these addled, greedy brains?
World politics is vile always has been; which means it is morally bad and wicked!  From time to time it crashes, and for the people all seems hunky dory until …it’s The perpetum mobile of our being.

There will never be something perfect, capitalism, socialism and other isms, there  are always some which exploits a system. With people nothing can work to perfection. So we muddle on as we always have.  I am not unhappy, I am only observing.
