Sugar, flour etc, was stored in drawers and sold in paper or cloth bags. In the Swiss village I grew up a paper bag was called a "Scarnuz" from the Ladin Romanisch an old Etruscan language.
Cardboard has been upcycled and recycled to make a huge array of articles.
Children and animals love them to play, to sleep and all sorts of things. My grand children loved them too. We made tables, houses, trains anything was fun to make. Not long ago Fabrizia made a house to hide for Billy,as he is afraid of thunder.She wanted him to use it to hide, but he has never used it, which was a bit a disappointment, he rather jumps onto the sofa under a blanket!
The beginning of cardboard;
A human billboard who wears a sandwich board
Baskets and bags;
Sophisticated cardboard hat box;
Victorian French Art Nouveau elegant ladies decorative Hat Box circa 1890's to 1920's of early cardboard or paper board with yellow gold cord handle. Aqua blue lid with art nouveau graphics and La Pointe's signature.
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I gathered, gleaned and picked the photos courtesy Google images.