My Mother hiking, her camera always went everywhere with her. Doesn't she looks sweet and happy in her hiking gear? The lyrics of a song say:'' Uf de Alpa isch äas herrlichs Läba uf de Alpa isch äas schön!" Being on the alps is the best, it is a wonderful life!" In the early 1930s
This does not look like a hiking trip. Right, my aunt, who loved the work outdoors. This is in Murgsee where they had an alp to feed the cattle over summer on the healthy and tasty grasses and herbs.They had to do al lot of "hiking" to bring the milk to the hut where cheese and butter were produced.
Shoes and naked toes in the forground,
My sister and I, right, going on a hike. Here we are waiting for the bus to take us to a mountain village.
My three daughters loved to go hiking and sleeping at the shingle covered "Alphütte" (Alpine hut.)
Cooking the soup
Here we went with friends on a hike, had a rest and a cool drink in one of the mountain restaurants.
Meglisalp where we did a lot of hiking.
Berggasthaus Meglisalp. Whether you arrive after a hiking tour from Seealp, the Bollewees or Säntis: Here you can relax and enjoy a hearty dinner (try the traditional "Spätzle" noodles with fried onions and grated cheese, or a Bratwurst, generally the choice of the girls. The Meglisalp is a beautifully located hamlet far away from the next city.
Now it is time to hike to