
Tuesday, 24 January 2017

...people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones...

Hello and good bye, that is life in politics, it might be  nothing but a 4 year long term, good or bad after  a while all is  forgotten.

I am not impressed with this media made women’s movement against Mr. Trump,  President elect. It is not important if I like him or not, it is not the issue here. 
Women should be conciliatory, peacemakers, not harridans on a warpath. They are out for the kill just like their heroine Miss Clinton was. They should know, that democracy has spoken and all their tantrums won’t reverse it. They must be very ignorant of politics not to recognize the puppet masters behind  the scene.  Let these women do the dirty work for us, and they do.

If this march was for women’s  and earth's issues they should have marched a long time ago and every year. 

They did not march against all the miss deeds the outgoing politicians did. They did not march to stop the bullets and the bombs, they did not march for all the dead and destruction, for all the dead women and children,  all these wars have caused. They did not march for all the destruction of ancient cities and looted treasures. No, they march for their own hypocrisy, with little pink hats like they were performing on a stage. 

They are certainly not marching to better women’s life, they should have done that every year, no matter who holds the reigns in Government.

All these performers live in glasshouses and love to hear themselves speak. It seems they even believe their own drivel. Ts

Sunday, 22 January 2017

Saturday; Macros are fun.

From my summer garden;


Who loves a garden still his Eden keeps;
Perennial pleasures plants, and wholesome harvest reaps.

~A. Bronson Alcott, "The Garden," Tablets, 1868

Scented Geranium.

I am a sentimental gardener. 
The flowers, trees, shrubs they all hold my dreams my thoughts and sometimes my frustration, but mostly  my heart and soul is pleased. When the time comes to fold their petals the last time,  the softly,  withered flowers or leaves  have a lovely sentimental look about them. Ts

Withered Lotus leaf

Clarence river Baeckia.

To forget how to dig the earth and to tend the soil is to forget ourselves. ~Mahatma Gandhi

Nerine bulb.

The garden is the poor man's apothecary. ~German Proverb
I change this proverb to " The garden is the clever man’s apothecary." Ts

Lycoris aurea bulb.

With rake and seeds and sower,
And hoe and line and reel,
When the meadows shrill with "peeping"
And the old world wakes from sleeping,
Who wouldn't be a grower
That has any heart to feel?
~Frederick Frye Rockwell, "Invitation," Around the Year in the Garden, 1913

©Photos #mygarden  Ts