Plenty of healthy exercise and's Sepia Saturday theme.
The “Great Bath” at Mohenjo-Daro in Pakistan might have been the first built swimming pool in the world and is one of the best-known structures among the ruins of the ancient Indus Valley Civilization. It was dug during the 3rd millennium BC. The pool is 12 metres x 7 meters, it is lined with bricks and was covered with a tar-based sealant. A hole at one end of the Bath may have been used to drain the water into it.
Bath of Caracalla; Caracalla was built between 212 and 216 AD under the reign of Emperor Caracalla.
Pools for bathing and relaxing were common in Roman cities and throughout the empire. The bath complexes were not just a place for bathing and relaxing but also for socializing. Rooms were provided for reading and to relax.
Typical features in a roman bath were;
apodyterium - changing rooms.
palaestrae - exercise rooms.
notatio - open-air swimming pool.
Laconica and sudatorium - superheated dry and wet sweating-rooms.
caldarium - hot room, heated and with a hot-water pool and a separate basin on a stand (labrum)
tepidarium - warm room, indirectly heated and with a tepid pool.
frigidarium - cool room, unheated and with a cold-water basin, often monumental in size and domed, it was the heart of the baths complex.
rooms for massage and other health treatments.
Additional facilities could include cold-water plunge baths, private baths, toilets, libraries, lecture halls, fountains, and outdoor gardens.