
Saturday, 19 May 2012

Sepia Saturday 126; A wedding;

My sisters wedding 1960;They are still married!
 Immediate family on this wedding photo.

After the wedding the village children will run towards the married couple and cry " good luck, good luck;
and  I will throw them handfuls of special wedding lollies, I am holding a big bag of it.
Hallwil; Switzerland

Please visit Sepia Saturday 126;


  1. Lovely picture! Your sister is beautiful...and what a happy day! It's good to hear they are still married too!

  2. Your sister and her husband are a very handsome couple.
    I never heard of throwing lollies. Is that candy? What kind is thrown at weddings?
    It's so nice to learn of wedding customs from different countries.

    1. Nancy; yes lollies is candy. They are in colourful wrappers and are sort of chewy, fruity lollies.

  3. Interesting custom! It looks like it was a beautiful day and beautiful wedding.

    1. Wendy, a long time ago, but it was a very nice day, especially so many of the family together, even from other countries.

  4. The groom is holding a book. Is this something traditional? Looks like a happy day and also looks like the men were asked to remove their hats. In 1960 nobody worried about sunscreen did they? The nice thing about hatless men is that you can see if they're balding or not - apparently you have good hair genes in your family. Not a bald or balding pate in the group.

    1. Food Smart, in Switzerland every married couple that has a church wedding gets a Bible after the wedding vows. I am not sure if it still the custom. It was April and the sun is not so strong, but you are right, sunscreen was used only when sunbathing and swimming. Thank you for your interest and comment.

  5. Kat, thank you,it is sad that your Dad died three month later, but the happy part is that he could celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary with his family.

  6. Hi Titania che bella questa foto ricordo !
    Baci Myriam :)

  7. My wife and I were married in 1958 so I can feel a connection with your 'younger' wedding group. Interesting that there were different customs in Switzerland. Throwing candy woul ensure that none would get left behind if there wer children about. We just had messy confetti that got into all sorts of embarrasing places.

  8. This is priceless! Thanks for sharing this picture with us, and congrats to your sister and BIL for a long and happy marriage.

    Kathy M.

  9. Lovely picture of your sister's wedding day. It's neat to see she's wearing gloves. Enjoyed hearing about the lollies. At my wedding, birdseed was passed out to throw instead of rice because we heard it was better for the birds.
