Humans are bizarre. They covet and spend millions of Dollars to build, or maintain, renovate man made buildings monuments etc. They spend a lot of money to build monuments, pedestals, sculptures of generally ugly looking persons like politicians or kings or queens or whatever they think is worthwhile to be kept in stone.
Pacific Ocean near Byron Bay;
When it comes to our environments, our nature, oceans, lakes rivers, be it plants or animals, fish or bird , the really important we should covet and look after are coldly dismissed, raped polluted, killed and contaminated with new genes,Genetic modification (GM) is the use of modern biotechnology techniques to change the genes of an organism, such as a plant, animal or humans.
Chemical poisons which are used everyday. Depleted uranium, exploded A-bombs,
Chemical poisons which are used everyday. Depleted uranium, exploded A-bombs,
Above-ground nuclear tests by the Soviet Union, the United States and great Brittain in Australia; in the 1950s and early 1960s and by France into the 1970s and 1980s spread a significant amount of fallout from uranium daughter isotopes around the world. Additional fallout and pollution occurred from several nuclear accidents.
Damascus, Syria; one more victim by western political manoeuvring.
“Heat not a furnace for your foe so hot that it do singe yourself.”
- William Shakespeare
“The use of depleted uranium weaponry by the United States and Israel, defying all
international treaties, will slowly annihilate all species on earth including
the human species, and yet these countries continue to do so with full knowledge
of its destructive potential.” - Leuren Moret
Cassia fistula in my garden;
Fracking involves toxic chemicals being lowered into kilometre-deep holes drilled in the ground to isolate gas and oil from shale. The toxic chemicals can then float into lakes and rivers or contaminate the ground. Also, fracking produces a disproportionate amount of waste, including radioactive water, which then has to be dumped somewhere.
A simple white rose in my garden;
Fracking involves toxic chemicals being lowered into kilometer-deep holes drilled in the ground to isolate gas and oil from shale. The toxic chemicals can then float into lakes and rivers or contaminate the ground. Also, fracking produces a disproportionate amount of waste, including radioactive water, which then has to be dumped somewhere.
The scary bits...
Deep down in the earth, there is a lot of radioactivity, which is safe enough, so long as it is not brought up to the surface. The technical term is NORM (Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material). When it is brought to the surface it becomes Technologically Enhanced, or TENORM, and it is a serious health problem near oil wells and gas production sites. It is in the production water, in the oil, in the gas, around the production sites, the groundwater, in the pipes and tanks – and in your kitchen.
When it comes to our beautiful nature, the old Tasmanian forests which have been protected after a big fight, are going to be lost now, used for pulp, destroyed, just a few more $$$ . Prime Minister Abbott, unfortunately has no conscience when it comes to nature. The great Barrier Reef suffers the same fate under this Prime Ministers and his colleagues. I think there is a phoniness and a certain crudeness in this man. All ,Australians should gather in mass and go to Canberra and protest,, to stop the destruction of world heritage sites. Most humans are sleepy creatures they only cry out when they are hit over their head, but then it is mostly to late.
Oh well, one day when earth has had enough of its devolution and clears itself of little dictators and all other human beings, it will regenerate itself be pristine for a long, long time, because earth will still be here when all of us are gone and forgotten.
Earth is a tiny minuscule dot in millions of other dots. We are just lucky for the moment because despite our importance we all are just a moment in earth’s history; Why do I bother …
Our world;
©Photos/Text /Titania Everyday; Ts