
Thursday, 1 April 2010

The Hot, The Loud and the Proud;

The Hot; Ipomea horsefalliae

The Loud; Vriesia grows in the fork of a tree in my garden.

Vriesea carinata

Lobster Claw

Paint Brush

This attractive small plant has a rosette of fifteen to twenty, light green leaves, which are soft textured. Each leaf is only 15-centimetres (6-inches) long, and 2.5-centimetres (1-inch) wide. Also, many offsets form in the leaf axils. On its inflorescence are the most brilliant colours of the genus. The flattened stem is between 5 and 7.5-centimetres (2 and 3-inches) long. On this stem are lobster-claw-shaped bracts. They are coloured bright cardinal red at the base, blending to yellow, and green towards their tips. Out of each bract, a bright yellow flower appears.They grow as epiphytes on bushes, and low on trees in shady areas.

The Proud; Beaumontia grandiflora;

An interesting rare perfumed plant is Herald's Trumpet (Beaumontia grandiflora) which has wonderful large white flowers with a sweet tropical perfume. It is a vigorous woody climber which is native to the region from India to Vietnam and belongs to the same plant family (Apocynaceae) as Oleanders, Frangipanis and Mandevillas which typically bleed a white milky sap from cut stems.

Plant details

Common name: Herald's Trumpet
Botanic name: Beaumontia grandiflora
Climate: Will grow best in the warmer zones of Australia, north of Coffs Harbour, NSW. It prefers sub-tropical and tropical conditions to thrive and can look miserable in areas where temperatures fall below 10°C.
Description: Herald's Trumpet is technically a climber but is normally grown as a shrub to 2-3m (6-10') tall with dark glossy green leaves that are deeply veined. The large white flowers have a rich tropical scent and flowers through the warmer periods of the year, spring and summer.
This meme, The Hot, The Loud and The Proud is created by Noel
It is about plants in bold colours. It appeals to me as my garden is full of "hot, loud and proud plants and flowers.


  1. Titania, that is an impressive Vriesea! Oh my, you have the most beautiful collection of plants. I am envious. Keep them coming.

  2. Wow, Titania, that is an awesome vriesia! Mine look so boring in comparison! I think that ipomea would fit nicely in my color scheme! It is beautiful! The Herald's trumpet is awesome! I've only seen it in books and online...never in real life. I can only imagine the scent. Thanks for giving me more plants to dream about!

  3. Titania: Wow, I love all of three. The Ipomea horsefalliae is REALLY HOT! That vriesia is so beautiful, never see them bloom in groups like that. This is my first time to see the Heralk's trumpet, so beautiful! And also sweet tropical perfume?? Wow, I am very impressed!

    Great choices for the MEME! I also joined it. It is a fun MEME.

  4. Yet another gorgeous morning glory relative I'd never heard of! Your garden must be an incredible experience. I especially love the bi-colored lobster claw growing in the crook of a tree, such a lovely detail. :)

  5. aloha titania

    thank you for sharing your beautiful and loud garden with us today, you have some amazing plants that are hot, hot, hot and i bet the beaumontia must smell heavenly and very exotic...i love all the three you have presented!

  6. Guten Tag liebe Titania

    Das sind wieder wunderschöne Blumen aus Deinem Zaubergarten. Und weiter unten Deine herzige Enkelin, da hattet Ihr bestimmt einen guten und fröhlichen Tag zusammen. Und wenn ich das Bild der Zwetschgenwähe anschaue, dann läuft mir das Wasser im Mund zusammen, mmmmm, wäre jetzt lecker ein Stücken zum Frühstück *lach*.

    Für Ostern wünsche ich Dir schöne und gemütliche Tage mit Deiner Familie, bestimmt kochst Du wieder ganz leckere Speisen, gell.
    Sei herzlich gegrüsst

  7. Hi Titania,

    Its the first time I am seeing these blooms you showcase here... I must say they are what you call... hot, loud and proud. Loved your post!

  8. Wow Titania you have some beautiful tropical plants. I am partial ti the bright or hot pinks. ;-)
