
Saturday, 17 July 2010

Sepia Saturday; My Grandmother;

My grandmother Franziska Tischler - Schneeberger, born  1889 in Austria. She had 3 girls, Victoria, Rosa my mother, and Helene. She also gave birth to 4 boys, Josef, uncle Peppe. Franz died in the second world war, killed by a mine just as he was captured by the Russians. Simon died in the second world war,missing.
Richard, the youngest of the siblings is 88 years old. Franziska died when he was born, a stepmother brought him up. C'est la vie.

For more nostalgic sepia photography join or visit  Sepia Saturday.


  1. Franziska has an enquiring expression. She also had much to deal with in her relatively short lifetime. So much loss and heartache. I'm sure you treasure her memory.

  2. I don't think my grandmother has a picture taken when she was young. Good photo for remembrance by her offsprings.

  3. Martin thank you for your comment. Yes, even when I was a child I remember pondering over her picture. I always felt sorry for her, so many children and an early death in childberth, 1922. My mother was 12 years old.

    Stephanie, thank you for visit. Yes it is nice to have some photos.

  4. Your grandmother is just beautiful. I love how her eyes make contact with us as we look at the photo. It's sad that she passed away when she was so young and when her children were still young. Did your mother share memories of her mother with you? Do you know about your grandmother's personality? Thanks for sharing.

  5. Such a beautiful photograph! Such a tragic life!
    Isn't it wonderful that she's being thought about and wondered about by all of us right now?

  6. A unique photo, something to treasure. Wonder if her hair went that way itself or if she had to fix it in those tight almost looks like she has the sadness about her...

  7. Oh what a beautiful picture. So different than some of the ones taken in this country. Thanks for sharing with us. I have some pictures of my grands as older, but as young people. I wish I had some younger ones.

  8. I agree with Martin - there is something about her expression in that photograph - something that makes you wish you had known the woman. Thanks for sharing it.

  9. Yes,Franziska has her World expressed on her face.Beautiful but slightly Pensive? Thank You for sharing her photograph here.

  10. beautiful woman, with a sad story. it's good that we don't know our future. it allows us to make plans, hoping they'll come to fruition.
    thanx 4 sharing!!

  11. Welch schöne Grossmama du hattest! So ebenmässige Gesichtszüge und dieser zaghafte, fast scheue Blick!Ich liebe es alte Bilder anzusehen, gerade morgen tauche ich wiederum in die Vergangenheit und räume weiter im Elternhaus...
    E guete Wuuchestart und vieli liebi Grüessli,

  12. Liebe Titania

    Eine schöne Frau Deine Grossmutter, das sind einmalige Erinnerungen. Die vielen Geburten müssen für die Frauen früher ganz schön anstrengend gewesen sein, manche waren ja jedes Jahr schwanger und oft starben sie auch im Kindbett.

    Meine Grossmutter mütterlicherseits hatte mehr als zehn Kinder und auch die Grossmutter väterlicherseits gegen die zehn Kinder. Ich mag mir das gar nicht vorstellen, echt!

    Liebe Grüsse

  13. Thank you for all the kind and interesting comments. Franziska died when she was 33, she had 8 children, because there was a little boy who died as a baby. My mother said she always sang, she had a nice voice.She did not have much time for the each child individually. My mother suffered when she lost her mother, she was only 12 years old and she did not go along well with her stepmother. My mother was very wilful and that might have been the problem. Because later my step grandmother who we called Oma wanted always to stay with us, because my mother was very good to her, she did not bear her a grudge.
