
Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Wednesday; yesterday....

Photo/Herb garden;

....planted Parsley, Lemon Balm and Calendulas; The herb garden is in good nick again after the clean up. I scattered the seed of Basil and I cut  and dried all the Celery leaves  to add to the herb salt.
The entrance needs a new fence and it is ordered in primrose to match the stone pillars and the wrought iron gate.  The fence and gate is important to keep Billy who is not street wise in the garden, because the big entrance gate further down, stays always open. 

No gardening today. going out for lunch!

Text/Photo Ts


  1. It is gardening weather now isn't it. I have started cleaning up, pulling weeds, ditching dead plants and replanting in some areas but I can't get over the price of plants now. I remember when I thought $# was enough to pay then suddenly everything was $6 but now the cheapest is $10. We planted parsley, lettuce, beans and snow peas today. Yes "WE" I even got the couch potato interested today.Hope you enjoyed lunch.

  2. Hi Diane, yes plants have become quite expensive. Many of the herbs keep for many years and it is also possible to make cuttings from some. Others,like basil grows from seed it scatters itself. Good on you Bill getting your hands into the soil. The optimum time for growing vegetables is well on the way. Yes, lunch was good and met up with lovely friends. We were in Robina at the Greek rest. Kucina I think it is called.
