Hallelujah cried the people, how wonderful is Globalisation.
They always do when the big shots and their handmaidens approve of something which will in the end just benefit the ones who have instigated it, which is not even 1% of the population.
The people believed all the lies.
Hallelujah they sang, peace upon us all. No more wars. wonderful, rich, good times ahead. We all will be prosperous, all nations will flourish.
All lies, helped and implemented by most governments in the hands of corporatism, the nastiest, headed by sociopaths and psychopaths. These people are very dangerous, they want it all, always. They work behind the scene to achieve and succeed. They instigate all wars for their own profits. They do not care for the well being of nations, they care only for themselves and their greed for might and money.
Women and men have worked hard over centuries for a decent living, decent working conditions, decent laws; schools, universities, medical, all affordable to the common people.With the help of lawless and weak governments, Corporations dismantled laws which protected the money market, work, etc.Central banks were privatised and are now owned by the Rothschild family. Governments must pay interest to these private bank if they borrow money. Countries are in debt, Moneys, gold, which belongs to the people is stolen from them to make the Rothchild's the richest of this world. Terror and other means have been implemented to cow the people. So many lies, all lies; Hallelujah.
During the Cyprus bank crisis Dijsselbloem proposed confiscating all depositor money, big or small, to recapitalize the banks. He was forced to back down at the last minute, but it shows what is possible in the coming EU bank crisis that is pre-programmed by the defective Euro institution and its fatally flawed ECB.
ReplyDeleteUnder current Eurozone rules, effective January, 2016, EU national governments are prohibited from taxpayer rescue of their banks, preventing orderly resolution of bank liquidity problems until too late. Germany has adopted a bank bail-in law as have other EU governments. The new bail-in rules are the result of a bureaucratic directive from the unelected, faceless bureaucrats of the EU Commission known as the EU Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (“BRRD”).
Living in Europe, put your money under the mattress it is saver than in the hands of the EU bureaucrats.
Das machen schon viele, liebe Titania, der Verkauf von Hometresors boomt. Am liebsten möchten diese Strippenzieher das Bargeld ganz abschaffen, dann wird das Geld unter der Matratze wertlos. Das werde ich wohl nicht mehr erleben. In der Schweiz haben wir erst neue 50erNoten bekommen, und nach und nach wollen sie alle Banknoten erneuern und die alten ersetzen. So wird es noch eine Weile dauern, aber wenn es dann tatsächlich einmal so weit kommt, bleibt der kleinen Schweiz nicht viel anderes übrig als mitzuziehen.
ReplyDeleteAuf den alternativen Medien wird schon viel aufgeklärt worüber die Mainstreammedien schweigen, und sie bekommen immer mehr Leser und Leserinnen. Übrigens ein gutes Buch kann ich dir empfehlen von Dr. Daniele Ganser einem Schweizer Historiker und Friedensforscher: "Illegale Kriege" Wie die NATO-Länder die UNO sabotieren. Sehr augenöffnend!
Mit grossen Schritten geht es auf Weihnachten zu, heute haben die Weihnachtsmärkte eröffnet und alles leuchtet im Lichterglanz. Und bei Euch ist Sommer, Ihr Glücklichen (lächel)
Eine schöne Adventszeit wünsche ich dir und deinen Lieben
Herzlich Elfe
Hier noch einen Vortrag von Dr. Daniele Ganser vom 20.11. auf YouTube "Die USA sind eine Oligarchie" https://youtu.be/7qSLGo3zIO4
ReplyDeleteTschau und hab einen guten Sonntag