Nature and its extraordinary beauty; Bud of Hippeastrum flower, my garden, September 2o12
Oh, yes, my fingers are itching, but trust me, I am not to be taken seriously on Thursdays.
What shall it be today? The trash can is full and it should not be a problem to find a dirty deal to expose.
What about the crusades, they are in high favour with hoi oligoi.
The war drums are beating in high favour of invading an other country, the lies are rampant, the noses are itching and growing every day.
Hoi polloi has to be persuaded to blow a fake bugle and hate the “others”
You have always stolen and plundered under a flag, called for god and country, always send the poor lads to their death in the name of honour and democracy. There is no honour in warfare, in killing the other. There is no honour in dying for a country. The only honour is in peace and friendship.
You have always lied and played the saviour when in fact you have been the destroyer.
1095 November 27 Pope Urban II called a great council of clergy and nobles to meet at Clermont in France called the Council of Clermont. He called for a crusade against the Infidels.
Now, the pen is blunt, until next time. Peace and Love, have a good Thursday.